Monday, May 17, 2010

Dreamin' Big

So, these cute little girls in my neighborhood came by last Sunday night. There were 3 of them and they ranged in age from 9-12 probably. They said, "Hi, we're starting a club called Dream Big. It's for all kids in the neighborhood and your son can be in it if he wants. Tonight we just wanted to introduce ourselves and tell you about the club." They were very polite. I told them, "Thank you." but I had no intention of sending my 2 year + 1 week old all the way up the street for a "club". Well, about 15 minutes later they came back with this- it cracked me up-- maybe it will crack you up too:
They told me it was a "rough draft". Well, that's good, since they misspelled educated! Oh, and after I saw" pool included" I knew Logan was definitely OUT! And... I wonder if their moms know they are offering free snacks to the whole neighborhood?????

1 comment:

636benjamin said...

That is awesome. Logan should definitely be in this club when he is a little older. I miss having dinner with you guys. Janelle and I need to bring you some dinner soon and hang out. That sounds fun.