Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Halloween

Before the entire fall slips away... it is going so fast this year... let me post a few pictures of my adorable kids in their Halloween costumes :)
 Tyson really hated his costume until the day of Halloween and then he decided he was ok with it (thankfully). He tried to accessorize with mommy's boots! He loves shoes. He puts them on and takes them off about 100 times per day. He'll put on anyone's shoes he can find too.
 Grandma and Grandpa Bradley came up on Halloween to give the boys a treat. I didn't tell the boys it was Halloween until they arrived around 3:30 in the afternoon! Tyson was a pumpkin this year and my friend Adriane Muehleisen knitted his cap.
 Logan decided back in September that he wanted to be a ghost so he could scare people. Remarkably, he never changed his mind.  This was a pretty easy costume.
 Tyson and Grandma
 The boys with Grandma and Grandpa in our front yard.

 Logan the ghost.
 Three little pumpkins!
 Logan with his ghost eyes waiting to go trick or treating. We tied on the bandana because I had glued a baseball cap into the ghost costume to hold it in place and it was hurting his head. I guess the bandana made him go gangsta!
 Before they went trick or treating, the boys watched Scooby Doo. Tyson held his flashlight very protectively the entire time!

 We should have turned on the flash for these outdoor pictures. I tired lightening them in photoshop but I guess I don't know what I am doing because then they just looked weird. So here are some dark pictures of Greg and me and the boys.
Greg stayed home to pass out candy and I took the boys out trick or treating. We went with a huge group from our cul de sac area. We only went on our street and Estates and Jeanette and the boys candy buckets were so full, nothing else would fit in them.
The boys even stopped by our house to get a treat from daddy. I had lots of help during our trick or treating, which was nice. My neighbor, Kim, walked Logan around because he could hardly see out of his ghost eye holes. Her kids are older and didn't need much help anyway. I carried Tyson and then I would set him down on the porch. He ran to the door and held out his bucket. When they gave him candy, he said, "Dee Doo" (Thank you). Every time the person would say, "Oh, he said Thank You! How cute." Then they would add MORE candy to his bucket. I think he learned that the word Thank You would get him more candy because he was sure to say it at every stop!