Thursday, December 3, 2009

Feeling "Advent"urous?

If so, then you should totally do some Advent activities with your one year old!
Logan and I started our celebration of advent this week with a few very simple activities. He actually did really well -- for having a .2 second attention span lately!
This week we focused on Jesus is God's gift to us. I gave Logan some gifts-- they were his own toys wrapped up-- and let him unwrap them. He really prefers the gift bags and tissue paper-- you can get to that toy so much faster.

As he opened his gifts I would tell him, "Jesus is our special gift from God." or something simple like that. I know it sounds trivial, but I think if he hears that A LOT at a young age, maybe it will sink in and he'll begin to understand the reason for the season!

We also made wrapping paper to wrap his gifts to his grandparents in.

First, we colored (scribbled) with crayons.

Next week we're going to try sponge painting the same sheet of wrapping paper. (We were going to do it this week but pregnancy sometimes makes you too tired to sponge paint!)

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