Thursday, December 17, 2009

The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay

This week Logan is learning about Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. So I gave Logan a baby doll, some "hay" and a box for the manger. We had to borrow the baby from my mom because all I had was a cabbage patch kid with pigtails-- not so baby Jesus like. Greg suggested we just use the stuffed Garfield or Curious George. Somehow that seemed wrong to me!
Logan LOVED playing with the hay. (It was actually a cut up hawaiian skirt from the dollar tree).

We put the hay in the box... and he pulled it out multiple times...

I showed him how to wrap up the baby and told him how Mary wrapped up Baby Jesus. I asked him if he wanted to put the baby "Night night" in the hay.
He said, "NO!" and threw the baby on the ground. Such a boy.... but I did get him to kiss the baby night night after a while.

He put the baby in the hay... and wanted to put the hay on top of the baby.

We also put a bow on baby Jesus to show that Jesus is a gift from God.

We read a few picture books about Jesus's birth. I pointed to Mary and said, "That's Jesus's mommy, Mary, can you say, Mary?" He said, "Mary" I did the same with Joseph, "Can you say Joseph?" He said, "NO!" At least he knows his limitations!! I showed him the picture and pointed to baby Jesus and he said, "Jesus!"

1 comment:

Lynnea said...

Jackie are those the dolls from the church when we were kids? Or was it your doll? I remember dolls like that at church with the plastic hair.