Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today I am thankful for my "baby daddy"

So, I always wanted to use that term in a blog post. But I am truly thankful for my husband Greg. While he is my babies's daddy (did I do the plural possesssive right? I just want to clarify he's the daddy of all my babies). He's so much more than that... He's also quite possibly the best gift God has given me!

Before I met Greg, I felt like an old maid. Looking back, I wasn't THAT old.... and looking back, I now realize that Greg was just the right person at just the right time. I am so thankful that God really did know what he was doing! Greg is a very thoughtful husband. He always knows when to pitch in with the laundry or cleaning up the kitchen... and when to stay out of the way and let me do it... like the cooking, for instance. He even arranged for me to get over 20 cards in the mail for my last birthday!! He's also super handsome and sexy but I won't give you tmi...

One of the best things about Greg is that he's a great daddy. He gets home from work and wrestles with Logan. He entertains Logan so I can get dinner done or dishes done. He reads him books, he plays ball with him, he wrestles him, he spins Logan around until he's dizzy and can't walk and then laughs at him, he changes diapers, he wrestles with Logan (yes, I know I've mentioned that a lot but if you have a boy, you understand the importance), he cleans him up after dinner, he gives him baths-- he really puts a lot of time and effort into Logan and I am so thankful for that!!

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