Friday, December 4, 2009

19 months old

Logan turned 19 months old on December 1st!

He also got a new cousin on December 1st, Jacob Donald Penning. That puts him up to four BOY cousins and one baby BROTHER on the way!!
Logan continues to grow and change each month.. developing more independence, more personality.
He is starting to use sentences. His favorite is, "I love (juice, wee vee, blanket, fish)" This is translated as, "I want (juice, tv, blanket, fish)." He says it in a loud, fast voice and sounds a little like a new character for a Will Farrell or Adam Sandler movie!

He loves to play ball. We've been throwing balls, kicking balls, rolling balls, shooting balls into the laundry basket, and bowling.... all ideas provided by the PAT educator. Here's the ridiculous part, Logan has surpassed my athletic ability already.

He loves to dress (and undress) himself and he loves to pick out his own clothes. He also is way into dress ups... especially hats!

He's begun to test the limits some. Generally we know he's doing something he's not supposed to do because we hear him in the other room telling himself, "no, no" before he does it! He does love to climb up on the table and since I'm bad about leaving out cups of water and the computer, it's better that he learns NOT to climb on the table. The other day I put him in time out for sitting on the table. He cried. Then afterwards, I picked him up and gave him a hug and he told me, "I love dada." Of course, when Greg put him in time out and then gave him a hug and said, "I love you." Logan said, "No, I love YOU." STINKER!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love getting ideas of things to work on with Kaylee:) Logan is getting so big!!!