Tuesday, December 8, 2009

'Advent'ually it will be Christmas

I wanted to use Advent this year to sort of introduce Logan to the cast of characters in the Christmas story. This week we're learning about the Angels that told the good news that Jesus would be born.
We made a shape angel.

We started with 3 pre-cut shapes (triangle, big circle, little circle).

Logan colored the triangle and the big circle. I tried to tell him the names of the shapes, "Triangle and Circle." He replied, "NO, Moon." And insisted on calling the circle "moon." Ahh, the independent 19 month old :)
Then I put glue on the triangle and circle and we sprinkled glitter on them.

There are no pictures of "glittering" I hate glitter. Eight years of teaching elementary school made me hate glitter. But I also learned that no matter the age of your child, they will still make a mess with glitter. Fourth graders are just as bad with glitter as first graders. And 19 months old, they use glitter just like fourth graders-- way too much and it doesn't stay in the glitter box. But since it's always gonna be a mess to use glitter, we might as well have a little fun! Ok, enough of my rampage on glitter.

We folded the big circle in half for wings, and I glued the pieces together while Logan played in the sink and cleaned up.

We also sang a song: (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
The Angels told the news
The Angels told the news
The Lord has come for everyone,
The Angels told the news.
After singing the song we had this conversation:
Logan: What the news?
Me: (super long pause while I try to figure out how to explain this to a 19 mo old) ummmm..... the good news is that Jesus is going to be born!
Logan: Oh, I love news!


Kari said...

Love this post! :)

Lynnea said...

Glitter glue is the way to go. NO messy sprinkles of glitter left around.