Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful for my healthy kiddo

Logan's parent educator came for a visit last Friday and did his yearly evaluation. He scored really well right at 18 months (and a little higher in language and gross motor). It was neat to just sit back and observe him. There were things that I didn't know that he could do. He got distracted a lot and there were a few things that I knew he could do but he didn't do for Tracy-- but the last thing I wanted to do was be the crazy, pushy parent who insists my kid can do it all :)
One of the things he had trouble with was pointing to a picture when it was named. Of course, he does this like 5,000 times a day when we read books but our parent educator sometimes talks funny and I think Logan couldn't understand her. So when Greg got home I was telling him about it-- well, I'll let you in our conversation--- it went a little like this:
Me: Well, Logan couldn't point to the picture of the cat. But the lady said, "Point to the kitty cat." Except she talks funny so it sounded like, "Point to the kit-a-cat."
Greg: Did you tell her "we say cat"?
Logan: We say "meow".
It was one of those shocking moments that you're not ready for.... when your BABY joins in YOUR conversation with a complete sentence. We're really going to have to start watching what we say around him-- if he's going to be throwing in his two cents!
Anyway, I had an "ah ha moment" (that one's for you, Oprah) when I looked at Logan's paperwork later that evening. I realized that he is healthy and smart and I need to stop and be thankful for that! I looked at the skills he should be doing next, "dress and undress self, wash and dry own hands, jump with both feet off the floor" and I realized that I taught some students who were very developmentally delayed and were working on the same skills in fourth grade!! I am so thankful that God has given Logan the ability to learn and grow and develop as a normal, healthy child!

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