Monday, November 9, 2009

We use our hands to touch

I've been doing activities on the five senses with Logan. He is able to identify his body parts so I thought it would be good for him to know what his five senses do. I got ideas from She has a curriculum for 2 year olds so I have to pick and choose which ones he can do or modify them for his age.
Today we learned about our sense of touch. We sang a song,
"I touch with my hands, I touch with my hands, I use five senses every day, I touch with my hands."
Then we played in "Clean mush".
Clean mush:
1 bar grated bar soap
3 rolls of toilet paper
1/3 cup borax
1/3 cup warm water
(I cut the "recipe" into 3rds bc I figured we didn't need that much mush for one kiddo).

At first Logan was really unsure of the new texture. He would only touch it with one finger. But pretty soon, he was practically diving in.

It wasn't even that messy! We did it right before bathtime and I was planning to mop the kitchen floor after bathtime, so a little extra soap on the floor didn't hurt anything.

(I have to say, the texture and smell-- even though it smelled clean-- bothered me more than him. UGH! Pregnancy!!)
After we played in the mush, we read "Five Senses" by Aliki. The first 5 pages of the book were the best for Logan's age. The illustrations are big and clear and there is little text. Logan liked finding the eyes in the picture and then finding his eyes.
We also played with a "feely box" this week. I filled a kleenex box with items of different textures (smooth, bumpy, rough, soft, hard.) As Logan pulled the items out of the box, we talked about those language labels and about how we use our hands to touch.
Other things that he learned from these activities:
- He learned to use his hands NOT his mouth to touch. (i'm not saying he's mastered this one yet but we need as many reminders as possible :) )
- He was introduced to the concepts of in and out as we took each item out of the kleenex and then put it back in.
Next we are going to practice hearing with our ears!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think I am going to steal theswe ideas!!! Expecially if it will get Kaylee to use her hands and not her mouth so much!!!