Tuesday, November 3, 2009

18 months old

Logan turned 18 months old on November 1st. Wow! I have a 1 1/2 year old!!!
The night before he turned 18 months, he dressed up as a lion for Halloween. We went trick or treating on Main street in Festus with a pirate (Nick) and a fireman (Alex). Then we came home and passed out candy to our neighbor kids.
Today, Logan went to his 18 month check up. He got 4 shots-- including his seasonal flu shot and his first dose of H1N1 vaccine. The poor baby got 2 shots in each arm. Ouch! He cried more when Dr. Glines looked in his ears than he did when he got the shots! He does not like people touching his head!!!
He was also weighed and measured. He weighed 26.13 lbs. He's in the 60th percentile for weight and head circumference. He was 36 inches tall! He's off the charts for height (again). The doctor told me, "He might be a basketball player." I said, "Not if he inherited his mommy's athletic abilities." Luckily, he seems to have already surpased my abilities. He loves to play ball and has recently learned how to kick the ball.
Other things he can do at 18 months:
- He loves to read books. We went to the library last week and he picked out "The Home Depot Big Book of Tools" He is literally obsessed with this book. I can name a tool and he can point to it on the page. (He has also surpassed his mommy on tool knowledge). He also has started "reading" books to himself- which is nice for me!
- He loves to talk and makes little sentences now like, "I want juice." or "I see elephant."
- He loves to sing his ABCs-- although he doesn't know most of the letters past c-- he just makes it all up :) He likes lots of songs and will try to sing along even if he doesn't know the words.
- He likes to count. He counts, "Two, free, fries, six, seven, eight, nine, TEN"- He usually just skips one-- and sometimes skips 6-9 as well :) I'm pretty sure he doesn't get the concept of numerals but it's a good start!!
-He loves bath time and asks for bubbles. And then asks for more bubbles.
-He loves to laugh. And he loves to tickle mommy and say, "Tika, tika"
-He likes to kiss mommy's belly and say, "Baby". He also lifts his shirt and points to his belly and says, "baby".
-He loves to play with dirt, bugs, leaves, worms, etc.
-He likes to hold hands and say the prayer before we eat. He says, "Amen" at the end of the prayer... or when he thinks you should be done praying!!
He's a good little boy and we are so lucky to have him. We're looking forward to our second little boy. Only 10 weeks until our due date!!!

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