Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do you see what I see?

So this week, Logan and I are learning all about... (drum roll, this is exciting stuff)... EYES!

Logan loves eyes! He loves to poke people in the eye while he says, "eye, eye, eye." He loves to take Daddy's glasses off of his eyes. This week we are expanding the knowledge of what eyes are to what eyes do!
So of course, we're singing the hokey songs... "I use my eyes to see."
AND, once again we stole some ideas off of Hubbards cupboard unit on Five Senses (Joyful Learning- November). Except I had to adapt it for his age.
The book that was recommended for this week was "The Look Book" by Tana Hoban. Great book. Great author. Probably great for 2 year olds-- for which the curriculum was written. Not so great for an 18 month old. So we did some other books in place of it. We read "Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you see?" (And the Panda Bear version too). I also made Logan this book on Snapfish (Which I scored for FREE! Thanks to and all of her great free deals she posts)

It's called "Logan, Logan, What do you see?" And it has all of his family members in it. He loves it!

And this is the last page.

The coolest part of these activities is that Logan now "reads" Brown bear. He turns the pages and says, "I see duck" He even knows the color blue and says, "I see blue horse."
Oh yes, and since we were seeing with our eyes, we also worked on colors this week. Logan loves to color and he knows right where to find the colored pencils and crayons!
We also did this art project from Hubbards cupboard. We finger painted without a mess. Logan had trouble isolating one finger and marking with it so I showed him how to make handprints in the paint and then I gave him lids and cookie cutters to press into the finger paint. The best part? There was NO CLEAN UP!!

Next week is Thanksgiving and I'm going to take a break from the Five Senses to do some turkey art with Logan. I'm still looking for some projects so if anyone has a cute one, please share!!!

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