Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Higgins family get-together

We attended the baptism of Jacob Penning, Greg's nephew, on Sunday.
Greg and Aunt Donna were Jacob's godparents. It was good to have all the boys together to celebrate Jacob. We pray that Jacob (and Jared, Logan, and Tyson) will all become fully committed followers of Jesus one day!! My, what 4 men commited to Christ could do in our world!
This is my favorite picture from the day... all of the boys with the dads, uncles, and "pa-pa". Pictured below is Logan with Greg, Jared with Brian, Jacob with Jason, and Tyson with Pa-pa.

Then we tried to get a good picture with Grandma and Grandpa. Let me tell you, getting a toddler and a preschooler to sit still while keeping 2 newborns happy is tough stuff. Getting everyone to look at the camera at the same time is IMPOSSIBLE. Here is our best attempt.

And then the "big boys" were outta there!

Pa-pa however didn't seem to mind all the chaos. He just sat on the couch and held anyone that jumped (or was put) into his lap!!

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