Thursday, March 4, 2010


Logan is 22 months old! Here are 22 things about him:
1. Logan is a great big brother. He wakes up in the morning and says, "Where Tyson?" When Tyson cries he says, "It o-tay. shhhhh!" And then he tells me, "Paci!"- meaning "Get the poor boy his pacifier".
2. Logan's favorite foods are cereal, oatmeal, cheese, salad, green beans, and apple juice. He also loves pizza and McDonalds. When my parents took him there last week he said, "I want chicken and fries."
3. Logan likes to watch "Wee-vee" (TV). He loves Barney, Thomas the Tank Engine, Action Bible Songs, and Elmo.
4. Logan likes to play blocks, do puzzles, play with tools, drive his trucks, ride his bike, and play ball. He's busy. Always.
5. Logan loves to run and climb.
6. Logan loves to sing-- especially songs about Jesus.
7. Logan has begun to pray at dinner. He generally says something like, "Pa-pa, Nick, Logan, Da-da, Momma, Jesus, Amen."
8. Logan is very interested in the potty lately. He says, "I go potty." and stands near the bathroom door. He doesn't actually ever go on the potty but it's a step in the right direction.
10. Logan loves to brush his teeth.
11. Logan still loves to read books. He can "read" Brown bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? And he can name all the animals in the Panda Bear version of that book. It's funny to hear him name animals like panther and crane.
12. Logan is learning some funny new words. He knows the word, "remote" and the word, "pretzel".
13. This month Logan is in to asking about Alex. He'll say, "Where Alex?" I'll say, "At home." Then he'll say, "What doing?"
14. They tell us that Logan has a "girlfriend" at church. There is one little girl that he spends every Sunday chasing around the nursery.
15. Logan loves to look out the window for Daddy during the day. He gets so excited when Greg gets home and stands by the door with his lips puckered for a kiss. He loves taking baths with daddy in the evening.
16. On Monday nights, Logan has a night out with mommy. Tyson stays home with daddy. We usually go grocery shopping. Logan sings in the back of the car, "Going Shopping!"
17. Logan loves to laugh and loves to entertain!
Logan likes to go for walks in our neighborhood and see all the doggies. He doesn't ride in the stroller anymore. He usually just walks-- all the way up Anawood, Estates, and down Jeanette and back! Pretty long walk for a 1 year old.
18. Logan can say his ABCs. He only has trouble with W,X.
19. Logan can count to 10 really well. He can almost count to 20 but some of the #s are just "la-teen, da-teen, etc."
20. Logan likes to say "Boo-yah". (He heard it on Sesame Street). I tried to tell him no one has used that word since 1995...
21. Logan loves snacks--- especially fruit snacks-- he now knows how to push a chair over to the pantry and reach the snacks... dangerous!!
22. Logan loves to do dishes. He also likes to sweep and unfold the laundry.
Since Tyson will be 2 months this week, I'll tell you two things about Tyson:

1. When he smiles, he scrunches up his nose.
2. He has started cooing. He says "ooo" "ahh" and "gaa".

1 comment:

Julie said...

I forgot to tell Tyson Happy 2 months but I don't think he would have understood anyway :)