Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Doctor Said to Start With Meats...

He didn't like it!

Seriously though, his doctor told us to start with the pureed meats then do vegetables and then do fruit. At first I thought I had found a wacko doctor but then I did a little research and La Leche league (the breastfeeding gurus) also suggested a similar plan. So I broke out the pureed turkey. GROSS! The smell of it alone... ugh. Logan had no intention of eating it. I think he could see right through my comments of "yum, yum... eat your delicious turkey."
Mommy gave in to this look so now Logan is eating veggies... and loving it!

In other news:

Logan can now sit up on his own for a few minutes at a time without toppling over. He has to use his hands to hold himself up but he can pick up one hand at a time and grab a toy.

He can also roll over from tummy to back. I don't have a picture of that but here is "tummy time" with froggy!

Yes, this was my brag on my baby blog of the day but he is learning so much right now that I have a lot to share!


Anonymous said...

I have some meat in my pants he will like mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm suck it baby boy make me blow

Anonymous said...

oh yes I agree get them sucking c--k from birth, nothing feels nicer than having your c--k in a bays mouth getting sucked off