Monday, September 15, 2008

What's Best

So, Logan is going through a phase (at least I hope it's a phase) of refusing a bottle and in general refusing any kind of food from any person besides his mommy. I nurse him every 3 hours still so it's pretty constant and I would love for him to take a bottle from Greg or Grandma occasionally but he wants nothing to do with it. In fact, he doesn't seem so hip on eating rice cereal when Greg is on the other side of the spoon either.
We've read every book, website, etc. and none of the tips seem to help so I think we'll just get through the next several months and we won't even remember this hurdle.

I did get funny pictures of Greg trying to feed Logan rice cereal the other night. Logan was COVERED in rice cereal after Greg finished and went straight into the tub.

While I was listening to Greg try to coax Logan into eating, it kind of made me think of how God must feel when we, his children, refuse to listen to him. I could hear Greg telling Logan that the stuff in the bottle was the same stuff mommy gives him. Greg was so patient and loving with Logan the whole time but Logan knew what he wanted and he didn't seem to understand that Greg was offering him good things. I need to remember that God is my father and he wants to give me good things and I need to accept those things for what they are, blessings... even when sleepless nights and non-bottle drinking baby don't feel like blessings :)


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sweeeeeeet pics, looks like somebody blew their load in his mouth and all over his face I just wish it was me, I use to blow all over the boy I was babysitting

Anonymous said...

hell yes, lets do him together double the come all over his sweet face, come on his ass and lil baby c--k too