Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday: Getting Dressed

We were getting dressed the other morning to go to Bible Study. I guess I wasn't moving fast enough for Logan because he decided he wanted to dress himself. He said, "I need put on a dress now." (I guess he thinks, "get dressed" = "put on a dress").
He ran in his room and returned with a pair of shorts, a shirt, several pairs of socks, and a pair of shoes. He yelled, "Momma, I need underwears."
He did pretty good at getting himself dressed and then he watched me as I wrestled Tyson into some clothes and tried to get myself halfway decent looking. While he waited for me, he spun around and around and around on our bedroom floor until he got dizzy. Then he said, "mommy, I busy. I really, really busy."
I was pretty rushed to get out the door and ended up just pulling my hair up in a ponytail. I was feeling sloppy and not wanting to go to Bible study looking like a hot mess. Logan looked up at me and said, "Mommy, your beautiful."
Awww, he must have a wonderful daddy who has modeled how to make mommy feel wonderful!

Another night that week, two telemarketers (sans telephones) came to our door at dinner time to sell us AT&T phone and cable. The salespeople looked about 22. I answered the door with a baby covered in sweet potatoes. They said, "Oh, is it dinner time?" Gee, ummm, YES! They proceeded to talk to me while Tyson gave them the evil eye because he really wanted some sweet potatoes. As they were telling me how we could get TV, phone, internet all for $29 for the first month (and then $1,000 thereafter), Logan ran OUT THE DOOR naked (and wet).  He looked at me and said, "Mommy, You're beautiful." First they said, "AWW" Then they must have noticed he was NAKED because they looked a little shocked and said, "It's dinner and bath time." I didn't want to ruin their future decisions to bear children and explain to them that yes, sometimes something SO gross comes out of your child at dinner that your husband has to stop eating and bathe the child!! So I just said, "Yep. Dinner and bath. We're gonna keep what we have with our TV, etc. Have a nice day." Seriously, AT&T just bring back the telemarketers. I can at least hang up the phone on them!

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