Wednesday, September 15, 2010

8 months old

Dear Tyson,
Where did the time go, sweet baby boy, how are you already eight months old? Oh, and why are you wearing 24 month clothes.. oh, that's right, you love your food! You drink about 32 ounces of whole milk a day, you down a bowl of cereal and a banana every morning for breakfast, you eat 2 whole jars of baby food for lunch-- or if mommy makes your food, you just keep eating and eating and eating, and you eat 3 jars of food for supper! You love bananas, avacaodos, and yogurt. The only food you don't like is green beans. Even after a hearty meal, you still try to steal your brother's goldfish.
Speaking of stealing your brother's food, the other day, your brother feed you some plastic beads. Sorry if they hurt your tummy. I tried to stop him before they went all the way down! Of course, you get even with Logan. You love to try and get Logan's toys. You'd rather play with big boy toys than silly baby toys anyday!
And you are getting really good at moving to get the toys. Today you even started crawling!! You didn't go far and you didn't go fast but you worked on it as hard as you could. You're also good at scootin' on your booty and crawling backwards as well as sitting up and clapping your hands.
You love to clap to music. You love to laugh. You love to sneak a peek at the TV... ok, you're totally engrossed by the TV. You love, love, LOVE when daddy comes home. You like to dance while daddy sings.
You entertain yourself (with Logan's toys).  You also like toys that play music, pull toys, and banging blocks together. You love to look at yourself in the mirror.
You don't talk too much. You sometimes say da-da and you like to make an "indian call" on your mouth. You love to shake your head "no". When we ask you a question or people talk to you, you usually just grunt a "huh". It's like you're saying, "Whatever, I'm easy to please."
Sometimes mommy gets to sneak out of the house for a walk, and sometimes she takes you along. During those times, I pray for you, Tyson (and your brother and your daddy, too). I pray that you have a personal faith in Jesus someday. I pray that it will help you to do "immeasurably more than I could ask, think, or imagine". I know that God has great things for your life and I can't wait to see the boy (and someday man of God that you become). But tonight, I just want to hold you and feel your squishy fat legs and listen to you breathe and be my baby.

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