Monday, October 11, 2010

9 months old

Tyson is 9 months old today.

He's crawling and pulling up.

He can cruise on the furniture.

He likes to sit on the little stool (with help).

He likes to bang and drop things! Helping me cook is one of his favorite things!
We drag him on a lot of outings with his big brother so he has already been to The Land.

He's been to play at the Transportation Museum.

He's gotten to sit in the big train there.

He's been to play at the playground... and boy does he think he is a big boy there!

He's such a happy baby. When people are around him they always say, "Is he always this happy and contented?" Pretty much. He really only fusses when he is tired, hungry, or when Logan has just pushed his face into the floor or something brotherly like that.
He is also "talking". He loves to say "ma-ma". Seriously, that is his favorite word. Do you know how happy that makes me. I'd love for him to say "Da-da" more for Greg too. He also tries to repeat the word "ball" when I hand him a ball.
He can wave bye-bye. Sometimes he waves to himself, which I love! He also signs "more" and sometimes signs "all done".
He is eating more solid foods: little pieces of banana, chicken, and peas. He also eats baby goldfish, mum-mums, and crackers. I think he has also had a fistful of dirt, leaves, grass, Logan's pretzels... but those were not intentional.
He loves his brother and his daddy. He wants to be right where they are all the time. He loves being one of the guys. Logan loves to boss him around and say, "No, no baby." But when Tyson cries he says, "It's ok baby, it's ok." Tyson is such an important part of our little family and we all love him to pieces!

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