Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Daddy caught a catfish."

About 5 times a day I hear, "Daddy caught a fish. It was tall. It was messy. It was a catfish." After naps I hear about how many fish each person caught... (cause I think Logan is dreaming about fishing already). I hear, "Papa caught 1 fish. Daddy caught 1 fish. Brian caught 2 fish!" All of this is because way back in September, we took Logan to "THE LAND."

We took our minivan off roading through mid missouri to some property of Greg's parents, affectionately known as "The Land."
We went with Grandma and Papa and Brian and Kari for a family day of fun and fishing. It was kind of chilly but Logan and Tyson really enjoyed their time at the land. And we were able to go into the barn when it got cold.

Grandma made chili and hotdogs and Grandpa came up with a very ingenious plan for cooking the dogs.

After lunch we headed down to the lake for boat ridin', fishin' and hanging out.

Logan was so comfortable at the land. In fact, I took the boys up to the barn and while I was putting Tyson down for a nap in his pack-n-play, Logan took off. He walked all the way to the lake (where Greg was waiting) by himself. He was wearing a bell necklace that day and Greg said he looked up and saw Logan, walking down the path, singing 'Jingle Bells' at the top of this lungs!

While we were waiting for everyone to pack up, Logan and I took a wagon ride around the land.

Notice he already has his jammies on. We had 2 very tired boys after a busy day of play at the land.


Julie said...

I have lots of memories at "the land." Maybe some day we can take all of our kids out there for a family day together:)

Kari said...

Cute! I was just thinking about that day! :) I can't wait to see you guys again. Going to "the land" is always fun. :)