Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Logan came in the kitchen while I was making chicken parmesan.
Logan: Mommy you making Wal-mart Chicken?

Logan came in the living room wearing nothing but mommy's belt wrapped around his waist.
Logan: I ready to go.
Me: Where are you going?
Logan: To church!
Me: You're not wearing any clothes!
Logan: I wearing a seatbelt, mommy.

Logan: I don't like being nice.
He says this quite often lately and so I try to come up with different responses, on this day I said:
Well, do you like having friends?
Logan: Yes
Me: Well, you have to be nice to have friends.
Logan: (thought for a minute). O-tay. I need be funny, too.

Logan: I want to go church today.
Me: Not today, tomorrow. What are you going to do at church?
Logan: color, eat goldfish, listen.
Me: You're going to listen? Are you going to listen to stories about Jesus?
Logan: And Esther.
(You rock, Concord children's ministry!!)

Logan: I read mine Bible. (Bringing me his Bible to read)
Me: (Opening the first page) Okay, In the beginning...
Logan: GOD
Me: created
Logan: heaven an' earf

And a sweet brother story...
When Tyson starts crying in the car, Logan leans over and says, "Almost there, Tyson. Almost there."
And when Tyson cries in the afternoon, Logan says, "Almost time, Tyson. Almost time Daddy come home." (He says that when I cry too... just kidding, lol)

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