Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Extreme Makeover: Logan Edition

We gave Logan a buzz cut at home. Here is his "before" shot:

We sat him in a chair and let him pick out a movie- just like at the Hairy Elephant where he normally gets a haircut. However, he did not like his home haircut. In fact, he got so mad at us, that he started ROARING at Greg.

So we gave him a popsicle.

Which got hairy! And he got even madder. Of course, it didn't help that his mommy and daddy were falling on the floor laughing hysterically- partially due to stress, partially due to Logan's reaction, and partially due to the fact that a buzz cut looks BAD as it is going down.

After a while, he calmed down. We gave him a mirror and he just starred at himself but he did stop crying.

Here is his after picture. He looks so grown up. (But I think still adorable). I didn't get a great picture of the actual haircut because he wouldn't hold still. For some reason, he didn't trust us after that.

But basically, he's adorable and looks just like daddy!

1 comment:

Kari said...

He does look older! :) So he was roaring at you guys? HAHA.... I can just picture that. Miss you!