Wednesday, August 11, 2010

7 Months Old

Can you believe it? My sweet Tyson is seven months old today! He is just a fun, happy part of our family. Tyson wakes up every day at the crack of dawn (or before). He is an early riser but he is happy and snuggly in the morning. Tyson and mommy have a little time to play before Logan wakes up. He is very contented to sit on the floor and play with toys. He loves trying to get balls out of a bucket. He loves feeling different textures. He loves blocks and banging them together. He likes to read books with mommy. We read a lot of nursery rhymes. Some of our favorite stories right now are "The Runaway Bunny" and "Goodnight my Duckling." He trys to turn the pages and eat the book.
Tyson loves his big brother Logan. When Logan gets up, Tyson will squeal! Logan loves to rub Tyson's head and say, "He cute." Logan also likes to give Tyson kisses. Tyson loves to try and get Logan's toys. He will sit and rock forward with his bottom and his hands, often crashing on his head, as he reaches for Logan's megablocks or sippy cup. Sometimes when Logan is in a bad mood, he will roar at Tyson. It used to scare Tyson but now he just laughs!
Tyson loves trying to pull up with my hands. Whenever we practice standing up, Logan wants to try it too. Logan will sit down and have me "help" him stand up.
Tyson loves to watch TV. If there is a TV on in the room, he will twist and turn and squirm until he can see it! He also loves to watch Logan, even more than TV. He thinks Logan is quite hilarious.
Tyson is a good eater. He is eating fruits, vegetables, rice cereal, and a little meat. He is drinking whole milk from a cup or a bottle. He doesn't like cold food or drinks. He also has a little bit of juice at breakfast, which he loves (and will drink cold!)
Tyson loves when daddy comes home each day. He can be super fussy and when he sees daddy, he'll instantly cheer up. (Which causes Daddy to believe that Tyson is a perfect baby all day long.) He loves when Daddy tickles him and will belly laugh so hard.
Tyson goes to sleep around 7 pm and sleeps through the night until 6 am (usually, this week he has been up by 5:30 am).
He is the perfect baby for our family and we all love him so much. I'm so thankful that God gave us Tyson seven months ago today!!!

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