Sunday, September 6, 2009

Greg found the camera!!

Greg and I spent Saturday afternoon turning our living room upside down looking for the camera. Greg was the big winner when he found it stuck in the recliner. We were so excited! It was like we won the lottery or something. So now I can resume my blogging. Just to catch up, here were the pictures that were on the camera.

Sometime this summer (I can't even remember when) we took a trip to Grant's Farm with Grandma and Grandpa Bradley, Aunt Julie, and Nick and Alex. The boys all loved it.
Julie and Alex on the tram.

Logan and Grandpa on the tram.

Grandma and Nick on the tram.We also painted Tyson's room but I'll put those pictures in the next post. I'll probably be addicted to my camera and my blog for a while now!!

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