Sunday, August 9, 2009

Who's your daddy?

Sorry if we've freaked you out lately. Our latest victim was a 20 something year old male. He had just sat down to enjoy a coffee from Starbucks on a mall bench when we passed. Logan began pointing and yelling, "Da-da, Da-da." The poor guy looked around for someone else. When he realized Logan was actually pointing at him, he uncomfortably looked away. The more he ignored Logan, the more insistant and loud Logan became.
Last week, it was a high school boy who was our checker in Walmart. The boy looked around like, "Who me?" I laughed and said, "It's his favorite word." The boy didn't laugh. (At least it wasn't one of my former fifth grade students working at Walmart).
Oh, and the week before, Logan was shopping with Grandma and Grandpa. Logan targeted an older gentleman and began shouting, "Da-da." He didn't stop. The man (again) didn't laugh. And the older man's wife looked somewhat suprised!!
Just to be clear, there is no question who my "baby daddy" is. Logan definitely knows his daddy, too. When Greg comes home from work, I say, "Daddy's home." Logan runs to the couch, climbs up, and looks outside and points. He yells, "Da-da" or "da-DEE". It's just his favorite word in the whole world. Oh, and he loves to point. So if you are an innocent bystander and we've freaked you out, please accept our apologies... and ignore my muffled laughter as you look away uncomfortably.

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