Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Just Like Daddy

Logan loves to play outside... just like his daddy. He loves to play in the dirt... just like his daddy. I used to try and keep Logan out of the dirt but I've realized it's futile and a little dirt won't hurt. So now he digs in the dirt and keeps himself entertained- which is kind of nice.
Greg has been working to clear our yard of rocks and sticks and unwanted trash for months. He has gotten rid of buckets and buckets and buckets of rocks.

Logan must be watching Greg work because when we go outside he sits down in a pile of dirt and sifts the dirt.

Then he finds a rock or a stick, something you don't want in your dirt.

And he carries it over to the side and makes a pile of all his unwanted treasures.
I need to get him a bucket to put his rocks and sticks in. Then he could be Just Like Daddy!

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