Tuesday, August 4, 2009

15 months old

Logan turned 15 months old on August 1. He is a happy, healthy boy. He had his 15 month check up yesterday. He is 25 1/2 lbs. (60th percentile) and 33 1/2 inches tall (95th percentile). His head is also in the 60th percentile.
He is learning so much. He can walk and run anywhere now. He also learned how to march at Grandma and Grandpa's this weekend.

He is very friendly. He waves at every car that passes and usually waves at every person in the grocery store. He loves all of his nursery workers at church and all the kids-- and all the cool toys they have too, I think.

He is learning so many new words. Instead of repeating words, he will name something out of the blue-- something I didn't even know he knew the word for. For instance, we were reading a book and I turned the page and he saw and apple and pointed and said, "apple."

He also just started saying Grandma and Grandpa. It's not super clear. It's more like, "Gmama". When my dad left the room the other day he started yelling, "gapapa, gapapa." sweet!

He now signs -- more, drink, and eat.

He loves to laugh and he thinks his cousins Nick and Alex are hilarious... well, especially Nick. He thinks everything Nick does is great.

His favorite activity is reading books. He loves his animal books. He wants us to read to him every minute of every day :)

He also loves to sing. He sings, "Jesus loves me" by singing "ya, je-je". He sings "Wheels on the bus" by saying, "round and round, round and round." And he "sings" along to the radio. The words to every song are, "da-da-da-da-da-da."

He also plays with his toys more. When he wakes up, he wants to carry all of his tractors with him into the living room. He likes to drive tractors with daddy.

He loves to be outside and cries when he has to come inside. He reacts a lot to mosquito bites so we have to watch out for that!

He is changing so much every day and learning so much. I could write so much about this age. I want to remember all that he is learning at this stage.

We are so blessed to have such a healthy, sweet boy. And in less than a week we will know if Logan is going to have a baby brother or sister to play with soon. Any guesses?

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