Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Logan

Dear Logan,
Today you turn 1 year old!! I can't believe how fast this year went. You are such a special gift to us. We love you so much. A year ago today you came into our lives! What an exciting day! You have grown and changed so much over the last year... but somethings haven't changed. I guess they're just things that mark who you are...
For instance, if I had to choose one word to describe you, I would choose curious. You've been curious since the minute you were born. Your little eyes were so bright and you looked around the room just taking everything in. Whenever you heard mommy or daddy speak, you turned your head. You are still curious, you love to explore every room of the house and every drawer of the kitchen! And you love to crawl inside of things.

Also, you have always loved your blankies. When you were a newborn you loved to be swaddled up tight. Daddy was the best swaddler. Now you love to kick your feet and squirm. You don't hold still for a second but you still love your blankie. When we put you to bed, you find the corner of your blankie, put it in your mouth and suck on it. If you love someone, like Daddy or Grandma, you might even offer them a corner of your blankie to suck on.

You've always loved music. When you were a newborn, we always had to have the radio on in the car or you would cry. You love classical music, especially Mozart, and you love country. You loved our trip to Branson last fall when you got to hear the Pickers music. Now when you hear your favorite songs you clap and dance. When you want mommy to sing twinkle, twinkle, you sign to her. You try to sing along to "Jesus Loves Me" by singing, "Yes, yes, yesh..."

You've always loved reading books. I think that's because Mommy was teaching Reading Recovery when she was pregnant. Now you can turn the pages by yourself and find your favorite books on the shelf. You love nursery rhymes, especially "Hey Diddle, Diddle" and books about animals. You can even say, "Woof, woof".

You've learned a lot this year, how to eat like a big boy, how to crawl and cruise, how to say little words, and blow kisses. But I hope you've also learned a little bit about God. How much he loves you and that someday you will decide to follow him. I hope you've also learned that your mommy and daddy love you more than anyone in the world and we will always believe in you, support you, pray for you, be proud of you, and love you.

I hope our next year together is as blessed as this year.

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