Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas with the Higgins family

We celebrated Christmas with Glenn, Joyce, the Pennings, and Brian on Saturday. Logan was very happy all day. He must have known it was our last Christmas gathering! He once again enjoyed the bows, boxes and wrapping paper more than the actual presents.

Jared was the present passer.

Everyone got lots of fun, cool stuff. Logan got a puzzle and cellphone from Uncle Brian, slippers, mega blocks, and a Fridge Phonics from Grandma and Grandpa, and a John Deere camo shirt from Pam, Jason, and Jared. We spent a considerable about of time trying to unpackage the toys. We also enjoyed good conversation and company and sat around and ate Christmas cookies. Logan is going to have a lot of fun trying to keep up with his cousin Jared in the next few years. After the present opening, we had another talent(less) show. Brian had given Jared a percussion set. Brian doesn't have kids yet so he doesn't know that percussion sets are not a good idea. Pam probably won't forget. She will probably buy a percussion set for every one of Brian's kids someday... or at least something that makes a lot of noise. But I digress... our talent show consisted of singing Christmas carols while various people played various percussion instruments. After the talent show, we were all tired out and it was time for us to go home. The rest of the family went to the Blues game for the evening but we are not partiers like the rest of the family and we had to go home and SLEEP!! :)


Julie said...

Way too cute!!!

Yummy Mommy Mia said...

Ohhh, your Logan is soo cute!