Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I like to move it...

Logan is on the move. I've been waiting to post this because I wanted to say he is crawling. He's not crawling. In fact, I'm not sure he will ever crawl. But he is moving. He rolls. He scoots on his bottom. Sometimes I don't know how he gets from here to there. But the next thing I know, he's opening the doors on the entertainment center looking for a movie! Oh, life changes so fast.
The other day I left him on the floor while I went to load the car for a day at my parents.
When I returned, Logan was gone. My heart did that crazy drop to the pit of your stomach thing. You know, I never felt that quite as strongly until I became a mommy.

And then a second later, I looked down and saw this. Peekaboo!

He traveled a pretty good distance. :)
Ps. At my mom's house yesterday, he pulled up all by himself! You go, boy!


Julie said...

I have a feeling Kaylee will do the same thing. She hates tummy time but loves to sit.

Julie said...

The prunes helped. We can do juice but are holding off for a little while. So when do you have free to get together next week?