Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have to say, I'm loving the 5 month old stage. Logan is still in the "sweet baby stage" but he's finally able to play, and he's learning so much every day. Between his naps each day I spend time doing activities with Logan. I read it stimulates him and will help him sleep more when it is nap time. Plus the elementary educator in me has to have the day obsessively planned.
Today we played with a baseball.

We did tummy time.

We did mirror play. He loved this!

Well, for a while.

(Don't know why his ear looks freakish like that. He was so mad at that baby for not playing with him.)
We read books. Although he's at the stage where he mostly wants to eat the books.

We did games and exercises and music time and the fun didn't stop just 'cause daddy came home....
Man, Logan was worn out from all that playtime!

Tonight we have our first Parents as Teachers visit. Hopefully our parent educator will give us more playtime ideas for Logan.


636benjamin said...

4:40am. Really?

and Little Boy Messes said...

Cute pictures. Nick calls Logan his baby now. He says "There's my baby."