Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Logan has arrived!!

We finally did make it to the hospital and I was induced around 1 am On Wednesday, April 30th. My doctor claims this was the hardest part of my delivery... getting to the hospital and getting labor started. I think the hardest part was the 2 hours before I had my epidural!! Dr. Snowden came in at 9 am and broke my water but my labor was still really slow... by 3:00 I was still only dialated to 3 cm. So when the doctor came back at 5:00, I expected to hear that it would be several more hours. Suprisingly, Dr. Snowden said, "wow, you're ready to go!" I wasn't even sure what I was ready for! I started pushing at 5 pm and 4 contractions later, Logan was out!

Logan James Higgins arrived at 5:19 pm on May 1, 2008. He weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long. He was healthy and alert when he arrived. He loved hearing people talk to him and would look around, especially when he heard his mommy or daddy talking. Here is a picture of our family right after Logan arrived. Greg had them put Logan's footprints on his shirt right next to his heart. (Aunt Pam gave us the shirt and the idea, since they did the same for Jared when he was born.)

Here is Logan meeting his mommy for the first time! When he came out, he tried to grab my face with his hands. The nurses told him, "You slimed your mommy!"
I'm sure Logan's daddy will teach him even better tricks than sliming his mommy. Here are a few picture of Logan and Greg hanging out.

Logan got to meet Grandma Higgins and Grandma and Grandpa Bradley when he was first born. They all happened to be at the hospital at the right time!

Logan had lots of visitors at the hospital. Grandma and Grandpa Higgins came on Friday morning.

Other family and friends stopped by as well to meet Logan. Grandma Hunn came with Jenni and Anna and Jessica and Baby Roberts (still waiting to be born).
Logan also got to meet his cousins. Aunt Pam and Jared came to the hospital on Saturday morning before we took Logan home. Jared was very good with Logan. They will have a lot of fun playing together in a few years!
Logan met his cousin Nick on Saturday night. Aunt Julie, Uncle Ryan, and Nick all came over. Nick was also really good with Logan. He even told Ryan "be careful, Daddy" when Ryan was holding Logan.

Logan, Greg, and I are so blessed to have so many family members and friends who love us. We are very excited to begin our lives together as parents and as a new family!


Aunt Patty said...

Congratulations Greg and Jackie, you look like a very happy family and I'm so happy for you all. I hope to get to meet Logan soon, I'll be moving back very close to you in June, back to my house in Arnold, so hopefully I'll meet him then. Love, Aunt Patty

Rebekah Weinrich said...

Yay! Great to hear the story of Logan's arrival to go with all the cute pictures :). My favorite was when Nick told his dad to be careful...too cute! I'll shoot you an e-mail soon and hopefully we can find a time when I can come visit before long!
