Friday, April 25, 2008

Waiting for Baby...

So, no one prepares you for how LONG it takes to grow a baby! The last month, weeks, days, and hours seem the longest. I'm sure when it's all said and done I will look back and think it went fast. And I've heard, once your kids are here, time sort of speeds up!
So, here is our pregnancy journey...
We found out we were expecting on August 30th. Just 2 short months after we got married! Suprise, suprise! My sister and her husband were coming home from China that night with their newly adopted son, Nick.

I thought I might be pregnant so I took a pregnancy test that night and sure enough, I was! Greg and I were both VERY suprised. When we met Nick a few days later, I got to tell my sister that I was pregnant! It was exciting to know we will get to share being moms at the same time.

Greg and I found out that our due date was April 26, 2008 and began the countdown! In November we found out we were expecting a baby BOY! We decided to name him Logan James. He has been healthy and growing a lot. I'm sure he's changed a lot since we last saw him on that screen in the ultrasound room 5 months ago!!
We also remodeled our condo and bought a new house during the last 9 months. We just put our condo on the market last weekend so it will be very interesting selling our house at the same time we are adjusting to parenthood! Oh well, we like excitement!!

We are supposed to be getting ready to meet Logan today or tomorrow or Friday. Our due date has come and gone. We were scheduled to be induced today at 2:00. Unfortunately, labor and delivery at St. John's is running way far behind so we are sitting at home waiting for a bed to open up. When a bed becomes available, they will call us. It's 7:30 pm now and I have to say the last 5 hours have been the longest wait of the pregnancy. But, I know Logan will come at exactly the right moment. I just can't wait to hold him and see what he's like now that he's my perfect little baby boy!

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