Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bringing Logan Home and Our First Mother's Day

We brought Logan home on Saturday, May 3.
Logan loves to sleep in his crib, which is a blessing. He also likes to hear his daddy read him stories in his nursery.

We've had lots more friends come to visit us since we've been home and we've done a little visiting as well. We got to go to my mom and dad's for Mother's Day this year. It was very special because it was my first mother's day and also Julie's first mother's day.

Grandma is going to be busy with her 2 boys!

But Grandpa is good at keeping them entertained as well. He is already asking when Logan can ride in the wagon behind his tractor and when Logan can go to the creek and throw rocks. I'm sure if Logan's overprotective mother is not around, he will do those things sooner rather than later.


Faby said...

Hi Jackie! Congratulations! You have a beautiful baby. You look so happy. I know God is blessing you and your family. And one week later but I want to say "Happy Mother's Day to you!

John said...

Hey Higgins Family! I caught your blog from Julie's post on Facebook! I loved all the pictures - Logan is a good looking boy!

I'm blogging at