Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So while surfing the web and nursing my newborn, I realized my blog is annoyingly mom-ish. All of my other friends have cool social commentary, such as opinions on the price of gas. In my defense however, I would like say I am not aware of what is going on in society nor am I even aware of the price of gas on a given day. The only gas that concerns me right now is the gas that is going on in my little boy's tummy and what I can do to soothe that gas so I can get a few precious hours of sleep.

I did, however, have one adult conversation with my husband today and I learned that the price of gas is 5.05 in New York. I also saw on CNN, as I was nursing Logan, that Missouri and Wyoming have the cheapest gas prices. My social commentary on that is I don't feel like I'm getting a bargin when I pay 3.89 (is that the going rate?) for gas. So, that is my non-mom paragraph... ah, now you are impressed with my blog.... no? Well, this will definitely impress you... this whole blog has been typed with one hand while holding a feeding newborn... impressive, I know.

1 comment:

Aunt Patty said...

Yes, Jackie, I'm impressed with your one-handed typing while feeding a newborn. I've done the same thing, ha! Logan is a cutie and I enjoyed meeting him last weekend. Hope to see you at Jessica's shower. Aunt Patty