Monday, February 9, 2009

Wonderful Weather Weekend

We enjoyed the gorgeous weather this weekend. On Friday we went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa Bradley and Aunt Julie and Nick. Logan loved the animals. His favorite was the grizzly bear. He laughed and laughed. His least favorite was a noisy McCaw.

Oh, no. He's not going to look at mommy. There are too many interesting people and animals to watch at the zoo.
Nick and Grandpa at the penguin and puffin house.

On Saturday afternoon we played outside on the deck. This is from the top deck.

Logan "rode" his bike. He really likes it. I gues he just felt very serious about riding today.

He also played on his swing from Aunt Julie. He crawled around the deck and tried to put sticks in his mouth as well!

On Sunday Logan stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while Greg and I painted Logan's room. We painted it "John Deere Yellow".
Greg cut. He's so good at that. He doesn't even use tape and it's always perfect. Did you know that he used to be a job site manager for a painting company?
I rolled. I haven't painted much with Greg because I was pregnant most of the time we were married. It was fun to do a project together.

I know it's bright. But I love it. I think it will be a happy place for him to play. Plus, when I get things up on the wall it will be much better. Logan has been sleeping in the spare room in his pack 'n play while the fumes die down!!
Goodbye for now...

1 comment:

and Little Boy Messes said...

The paint looks great. I can't wait to see it!