Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Things about Logan

The 25 random things lists are cirrculating all over facebook so I thought I'd make a 25 list for Logan.

1. Logan is 9 months, 4 days old.
2. He is 21 lbs. 12 oz. He's in the 75 th percentile for weight.
3. He is 30 1/4 inches long. He's in the 95 th percentile for height. He was off the charts at his 6 month visit. He is back on the charts now!
4. He crawls all over the house but his favorite place to be is under mommy's feet.
5. He is obsessed with electric cords. No matter how hard I try to hide them, he will find them.
6. He can pull up to standing.

7. His favorite place to pull up is in the bathtub. I tell him it's dangerous but he doesn't care.
8. He loves to take baths and he loves, loves, loves his rubber ducky.
9. He will pretty much eat anything. Including anything he finds on the floor. His pincher grasp is way too good and he can find the tiniest thing on the floor and try to eat it.
10. He smiles and laughs all the time.
11. He says da-da but never ma-ma.
12. He loves to read and be read to. He can now pick up and book, turn the pages, and "tell himself a story" in baby babble. I love to watch him read!
13. He does not like to drink his milk. We added cheese, yogurt and pudding to his diet to make up for this.

14. He is completely weaned!!!!! He gets all of his liquid nourishment from a cup or a juice box now. :)
15. He doesn't like loud noises and banging. He won't cry but he acts annoyed.
16. He gives good hugs and kisses.
17. I'm trying SO HARD to teach him to blow a kiss by valentines day. No luck yet.
18. He sleeps from 7-7 every night and takes two naps-- most days. I'm praying for this to last.
19. He laughs when daddy makes rude noises. Seriously.
20. He is really into playing ball right now. He has a little baseball and a big plastic ball. He chases both all over the kitchen.
21. He is a "student" in Parents as Teachers. He seems to like his visits with Ms. Amy.
22. He loves music and is obsessed with the CD player.

23. He is also obsessed with the DVD/ VCR. I guess he likes electronics.
24. He is upstairs with his Grandma right now while I'm doing this :)
25. He is such an amazing gift from God. When I go into his room every morning and he squeals in delight I thank God for him. Sometimes he is a lot of work but I am so thankful that God gave us this kiddo.

1 comment:

Yummy Mommy Mia said...

Ohhhh, what a happy Logan you have!