Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

The boys had fun on Christmas morning~ especially Logan!

He really loved that Santa brought him presents and CANDY- that was the big highlight, the boy loves candy but doesn't get it too often. Tyson has been fighting a cold for a while now so we have been giving him a bottle of 1/2 juice + 1/2 water in the mornings. He really needs to chug some liquids straight away when he gets up or he is just one congested baby so the bottle really helps. He was much more interested in snuggling with his bottle in daddy's lap than the presents. But it kind of made it easier to only have one kid grabbing for presents.

We also had a white Christmas this year which was very beautiful!

We had enough time to play with some of our toys before heading to Festus for the evening.

Luckily we didn't get enough snow to make the roads dangerous on Christmas day so we were still able to make it to my parent's house (although we were very nervous about going because we were driving their borrowed van).
We loaded up the car and went to Festus after nap time. We opened presents first and then ate a delicous dinner.

This year we had Christmas in the basement- which despite the noise level was a lot of fun. We could all hang out together and there is plenty for all the kids to do: riding toys, video games, trains.

 Nick and my mom even set up a "store" in the closet. Nick would push "his baby" (Tyson) in the car to the store where my mom would sell stuff to them.

I think Nick bought this hat for his baby. Isn't he cute?

We stayed until the boys' bedtime. They fell asleep in the car and we put them to bed at home. It was a good Christmas day. Greg felt ok for most of it and nothing eventful happened. We were thankful for days like that in December.

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