Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Super boys

Logan and Tyson dressed up as Superheros for Halloween this year.  Logan was Batman. He requested his own costume this year. The only thing he knows about Batman is that he likes Batman fruit snacks!

Tyson was Superbaby!

Logan got to go out for Trick or treating for the first time. We just went on our street and part of Estates. Logan had so much candy in his pumpkin, it was overflowing! Our neighbors were all so thrilled to see him and so sweet with him.
He wasn't so sure about it when we started off. He knocked on Kim and Terry's door and Terry came to the door. Logan said, "Trick or Treat." and Terry gave him a huge bag of candy. After that, he was pretty much sold on it and kept saying, "Let's go another one house."
He even said, "Thank you." and I didn't have to remind him! Daddy really works hard with Logan on manners and it is paying off.
I honestly wasn't sure I would enjoy trick or treating. I mean, it seemed a little uncomfortable to go to neighbors houses and beg for candy. But Logan and I had a blast. All the other kids were out on the street and weirdly enough, they all mostly knew Logan's name. Most of the kids on our street are upper elementary aged but most of them stopped and talked with us and made a big deal out of Logan's cute costume.

Tyson stayed home with Daddy and helped pass out candy. Logan thought it was super hilarious that we trick or treated at our own house last and that Daddy got to give him candy.
The next morning, at 7 am, Logan told us, "I want to go trick or treating again."  Hope he can wait a whole YEAR for that.
Ps. I love this picture! I love that Logan can WAVE at the camera but he can't bother to LOOK at the camera. LOL!
Now, we're outta here..

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