Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goin' to Grandma's house

We went to visit Grandma Hunn on Thursday. My mom, sister, Alex, and my boys and I rode together. My cousins Jenni and Meghan were able to come too. Jenni brought her little girl Anna-- her boys were at school. It was a gorgeous day and the kids loved being outside.
Here is Alex, Anna, Julie, and Logan sitting next to the goldfish pond. The kids looked at the fish in the goldfish pond, scared the chickens, swung on the tire swing until they almost puked, and played on the deck... you know, the things kids have been doing at Grandma's for over 30 years. My Grandma's brother, Uncle Jim was in town. He lives in Alaska. He would actually be Logan's great-great Uncle Jim. Here he is showing Logan how to get the fish to come up to the surface to say, "Hi."We all really enjoyed our time together!

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