Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation Bible School 2011

 This was our Bible Story room. I taught in this room with my friend, Dana. Her husband, Todd, made the taxi cab and the New York skyline background. I had so much fun teaching with her. We're very similar in our teaching styles and I learned a ton from her.
 Every day we had a puppet named, "Maxi" the taxi driver. He came out and introduced the Bible story. The kids were so cute with him. They would start begging for him the minute they got in the room. Even when we took the puppet out from behind the car, they would talk to him like he was real.
 This is Dana teaching the best class of the week!!!
 Ok, yes, it was the class that had our two little boys in it so maybe I was partial to this class. But they were all super kids. 5 boys who were relatively calm (for boys) and several darling girls. Seriously, these boys are going to want these girls to stick around because they are beautiful and sweet little girls.

VBS was exhausting for all of us. Tyson was especially worn out on Friday. His teacher, an older gentleman named, "Mr. Don" took Tyson on a walk all over the church to see the big kids. He even took Tyson to the "teacher break room" and let him have icecream for a snack. I'm pretty sure Tyson was the only kid who got to have icecream. Can we say spoiled? No wonder my boys have always loved Mr. Don.

Logan got to sing on the stage on Thursday night-- along with all of the preschoolers. He loved the stage!! He cried afterwards because he only got one turn on the stage. I think he wanted to stand up there all night and sing. I'm thinking a homemade stage and a talent show are definitely in our future. Anyone want to come perform or be our audience?

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