Saturday, November 27, 2010


I am so thankful that Greg and I both have such wonderful families.

I am also thankful that they all live relatively close. We were able to see both families in the same weekend with minimal time spent in the car.

I am thankful for the amazing food we ate! But not for the numbers that will be on my scale this week!

Greg after a delicious meal.

The boys having dessert. I didn't get any pictures of the meal because I was feeding kids!
 I am thankful that my kids had fun people to play with all weekend!

Logan loved playing with the big kids.

Tyson and Jacob (his cousin) sharing a toy.

Logan doing a puzzle with papa.

Tyson riding in the car in Grandma's basement.

Logan helping with Grandpa and Alex's windmill project.

On Thanksgiving day, we went to Greg's Aunt Donna's house for Thanksgiving dinner.
We got to see Greg's Aunts and Uncles and cousins and Greg's parents and sister and kids. My kids really enjoyed seeing everyone. Even though they don't always see their extended family, they warmed up right away.

After Thanksgiving dinner, the kids played with toys and the adults talked.
Then we celebrated Jacob's first birthday!!

The kid is such a neat little eater! I didn't get any messy cake pictures at all. This is the only semimessy one but it's blurry.

On Friday we went to Grandma and Grandpa Bradley's house. We had a yummy dinner. Then the boys all went to the basement while Julie and mom and I cleaned up. You will notice there are NO little girls in any of these pictures- there are no little girls on either side of the family! But I have to say, we're getting pretty good at the "boy stuff".

Nick played video games. (Look at Uncle Greg buggin' him while he tries to concentrate!)

Alex worked on cars.

Logan learned to ride a bike!!!!!

(I'm very excited by this one! Doesn't he look big riding that bike all by himself. At first he could only pedal but couldn't steer or brake. That was wild. But then my dad taught him to even steer and brake by himself!)

Tyson rode in the little car for more than an hour-- until he discovered that he could push the car-- which was much more fun!!

It was a fun and crazy day and I am thankful for that!

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