Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's time for a good snowball fight!!

Are you wondering where we found a snowpile in September?
We've been loving this nice fall weather. We also love that we live close to some amazing parks. So the other evening we headed out to the park across from Suson Park- next to the ice rink and the golf course. Ok, if I knew the actual name if it, I'd tell you but I don't.
The boys loved playing together. Both of them like to swing. Since we were the only people at the park, we hung out on the swings for a while. Logan just likes to go higher and higher and higher.
Tyson just likes that he's big enough to get in a swing now!
I'm gonna go ahead and point fingers here: Daddy dressed Logan for the park. He claims he matches. You be the judge...
Logan got to play on the big equipment with the slides and ladders. Tyson got to play on the little kid stuff. He really liked showing off his crawling skills in this tube.
Also, in true Higgins boy fashion, he is already mastering the art of climbing UP the slide. (You other playground moms hate me already!)
Tyson wasn't completely content on the "baby" stuff. He did want to go check out the big boy ladders.
Logan came over and showed him the ropes.
and climbed up some ropes. This is Logan's great accomplishment of the summer. He can now climb this wiggly ladder thing.
We all had fun on the slides together too!

After we played, we found the snowpile in the parking lot next to the ice rink.
And had a snowball fight!
And practiced climbing up mountains of snow.
I love my family!!

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