Ok, so I'm his mommy of course I already think this boy is brilliant. (This is his "Mom, don't bother me, I'm studying the letters on my ball." pose)
But someday, he's probably going to want to learn even more than I'm already teaching him. Therefore, someday in the near future he is going to venture off to preschool. (And this mommy is someday going to want a break and is someday going to want to drop him off at preschool.)
Because I'm a planner, I'm already saving for my kiddos preschool fund! Crazy? I know. My sister and I have just launched this little project called, "Little Girl Dresses and Little Boy Messes." Guess what we do? We make and sell Little Girl's Dresses for only $10 each. You can check it out here. I'm saving my money for preschool. Julie (my big sis) is probably using her money to adopt. She already has one little boy from China who is amazing. You can read about him here. Hopefully she (and her husband Ryan) will adopt more kids so Logan can have lots of cousins!!